The three chapters are administered by a State Board comprised of officers and delegates who are elected from the membership of each chapter. State Board meetings are generally held on the first Wednesday of each month. Opportunities exist for members to attend periodic Southern District, National, and Mountbatten House Board meetings. These meetings are opportunities to make and renew acquaintances with DBE members from other states. For additional information, please email our State President at or State Organizer at

State Board

President: Gabrielle Gilbert
1st Vice: Mary Whiteman
2nd Vice: Edna Berkshire
3rd Vice: Topsy Landham
Secretary: Pam Sellman
Treasurer: Gillian Taylor
Organizer: Anne Sanders
Home Board Representative: Margaret Costello
Oglethorpe Chapter Delegate: Lyn Hovanesian
Runnymede Chapter Delegate: Marion Scoular
Winship Chapter Delegate: Erika Hare